There’s no better way to demonstrate your love than by giving a ruby and diamond piece if jewelry in celebration of a July birthday. It is also the gem for the 15th and 40th Anniversary. Red is the color of our most intense emotions—love and anger, passion and fury. It’s associated with objects of power and desire—like fast cars and red roses. Early cultures treasured rubies for their similarity to the redness of the blood that flowed through their veins, and believed that rubies held the power of life.
Ruby is one of the most historically significant colored stones in association with attributes like beauty and wisdom. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, ruby is called ratnaraj, or “king of precious stones.” People in India believed that rubies enabled their owners to live in peace with their enemies. In Burma (a ruby source since at least 600 AD—now called Myanmar), warriors possessed rubies to make them invincible in battle.
Ruby is a variety of the gems species corundum. It is harder than any natural gemstone except diamond, which means a ruby is durable enough for everyday wear. Depending on the chromium and iron content, rubies have a color range that includes pinkish, purplish, orangey, and brownish reds. The trace mineral content tends to vary with the location of the geologic formation which produced the ruby. This is why terms like “Burmese” (Myanmar) or “Thai” (Thailand) are sometimes used to describe the color of stones from those locations. (However, color is not always an indication of origin).
Fine-quality ruby is extremely rare, and the color of the gem is most important to its value. The most prized color is a medium or medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red.
Ruby retained its importance with the birth of the western world and became one of the most sought-after gems of European royalty and the upper classes. Many medieval Europeans wore rubies to guarantee health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love.
Desire for ruby is just as great today as it always has been. As a symbol of passion, ruby makes an ideal romantic gift. Consumers are drawn to the lush color because it also signifies wealth and success.
Ruby is the most valuable variety of the corundum mineral species, which also includes sapphire. Rubies can command the highest per-carat price of any colored stone. This makes ruby one of the most important gems in the colored stone market.
NYC Wholesale Diamonds features a magnificent line of Ruby and Diamond Jewelry. Highlights include Engagement Rings, Tennis Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces and Wedding Bands.
Call us at (212) 719-2214 or Email to Inquire about loose or any of our Diamond and Ruby Pieces